A Chinese 90 year old widow got the surprise of her life after she placed a little note in her local paper asking people to turn up for her funeral when she died.Su Guiying didn’t know her heartrending little note would change her life,as dozens of people showed up at her house to show they cared.
The 90-year-old, tragically lost all of her 17 children shortly after they were born or while they were still young, and has finally been gifted the family she always craved .
Used to spending theNew Yearfestival alone, all of a sudden Su’s home in the village of Hongxia on the outskirts of Ruichang City in southern China’s Jiangxi province, was overrun with well-wishers touched by her lonely plea.
She was so overcome at the attention after years of isolation that, with the day itself fast approaching on February 19, she burst into tears and declared it already the best New Year’s festival she has ever had.Su said

‘I married when I was young, just 17, but I lost my first two children and then my husband abandoned me saying I was unlucky.’Then I remarried but the next nine children which I had almost every year died at birth or not so long after.
My second husband died when I was 33. But I married a third time and we had six children together, though I stopped hoping after that about having a family. ‘My child who lived the longest was aged three when he died, it broke my heart. I lost all the children and then my third husband died.

Desperate and alone, she adopted a girl at the age of two, but when the girl was 19 years old she tracked down her original parents, a wealthy couple from the Chinese capital Beijing, and left Su never to return.For the last 40 years since then she has lived on her own with no immediate family or friends but when hersad storywas published in the run up to Chinese New Year, when families traditionally get together, she was inundated with offers of people who wanted to visit her. One young man, Wang Wen, 25, has put up a tent in her loft and promised to spend the entire New Year with her
Another visitor, Heng Wan, 29, said:
‘I lost both my parents in a car accident so when I heard about this woman I was very happy to visit her and give her what she never had. She really is a wonderful and remarkable woman.
And Fang Kung, 30, who also visited, said:
‘I live near my family and I will be spending New Year with them, but I wanted to take one day to visit this woman and give her a little something as well to also honour my own family.’

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